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UltiMaker S3 - 230x190x200mm
Leveringstid: 2-4 uger
Gratis fragt over 399 kr
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Ultimaker S3 - The newest machine from Ultimaker
Ultimaker is produced in Europe and is known for its high quality.
Build volume: 230 x 190 x 200 mm (9 x 7.4 x 7.9 in)
Ultimaker is known for its high level of user-friendliness and you will be properly dressed when you buy an Ultimaker S3.
A software license is included with the purchase of an Ultimaker S3. It is a software license for 'Ultimaker Essentials' and 'Ultimaker Personal'.
Ultimaker Personal - Ultimaker Personal, the software solution perfect for the individual user who wants to explore basic 3D printing possibilities - with access to Ultimaker Digital Factory and Ultimaker 3D Printing Academy e-learning courses.
Ultimaker Essentials - Start 3D printing in your business with access to all the necessary tools to start the digital transformation - with increased security, user access control and flexible e-learning.
Introducing the Ultimaker S3 - the newest addition to our S line
It is often said: "The bigger the better". However, it turns out that with the new Ultimaker S3 - this is not the case! Inside an efficient small footprint suitable for any desktop, the Ultimaker S3 delivers dual extrusion you can trust. It is packed with our latest market-leading technology, which makes it both powerful but also very easy to use. Buy it at 3D Eksperten
The result? A 3D printer which is able to save your company a lot of money - which is highly efficient and reliable. Buy it at 3D Eksperten
Reliability - It's in the family
Being worthy of the S - line name, the Ultimaker S3 had a lot to live up to. Buy it at 3D Eksperten
Its big brother, the Ultimaker S5, may only be 18 months old, but it's already won multiple awards and become a daily driver for thousands of engineers and designers around the world. Printing of functional prototypes, production aids and final parts as well as consumables. Global brands have just chosen the Ultimaker S5 because of its almost limitless choice of materials and ease of use.
But what if your company is not a famous brand with great finances? What if your workplace only has room for smaller 3D printers? Or if this is the first time you have to consider a 3D printer? Then you EXACTLY need a robust machine that is easy to use. Then the Ultimaker S3 is for you. Buy it at 3D Eksperten
We've taken many of the best features from the Ultimaker S5 and combined them into a smaller, more affordable device. The Ultimaker S3 delivers the same high-quality, composite-ready dual extrusion, with the same market-leading reliability and ease of use - just with a smaller build volume of 230 x 190 x 200 mm (9.1 x 7.4 x 7.9 inches) than the Ultimaker S5 . Buy it at 3D Eksperten
3D printing you can trust
From the ground up, every detail in the Ultimaker S3 has been designed and built to live up to the expected S - line print quality.
Inside the Ultimaker S3 you will find :
* Reinforced feeders made of coated, hardened steel. This extends the lifetime when using glass or carbon fiber composites (also necessary to use Ultimaker print core CC Red).
*Dual filament sensors that increase print success. If the printer runs out of filament, it will pause printing and prompt you to add a new spool of filament.
*Advanced active leveling that ensures easy and reliable first layer adhesion. Start a print job and move on with your work thanks to accurate testing of the build area and Z-height build plate compensation at the start of each print job.
*High accuracy stepper drivers taken directly from the Ultimaker S5. These high-precision drivers are even quieter than on the regular Ultimaker 3 and run more reliably to consistently deliver high-quality prints.
*Rigid printer frame. Reduces small vibrations during printing to improve overall print quality. Buy it at 3D Eksperten
* Single glass door with magnetic lock. This provides a more controlled print environment and reduces the risk of warping or delamination.
*Optimized internal design. Both double extrusion nozzles can reach the entire building area.
*Internal power supply. Eliminates the need to create space for the power supply. It also makes the installation process easy across all S - line 3D printers.
Seamless integration with your workflow
We've made every aspect of working with the Ultimaker S3 quick and easy. Through a seamless connection between hardware and software, you avoid having to outsource, by giving you an end-to-end solution with a 3D printer that is easy to integrate into your company.
Instead of the high costs of having to order different parts and the hassle of outsourcing, you can for example buy an Ultimaker S3 and perform these steps:
1. Export your finished CAD model with a single click to Ultimaker Cura thanks to downloadable plugins Buy it at 3D Eksperten
2. Select your Ultimaker S3 printer and desired material (including from the Ultimaker Marketplace of tested, predefined material settings by leading brands)
3. Confirm your model's scale, orientation, location on the build plate
4. Cut the model into layers and prepare it for 3D printing
5. Send the file to the Ultimaker S3 via Ultimaker Cloud, LAN, Wi-fi or USB drive and start printing.
If one 3D printer does not meet your production requirements, you can easily optimize your in-house setup with Ultimaker Connect. This free printer management software will then create a central queue of print jobs for your Ultimaker 3D printers as they become available.
Predefined print settings for the widest range of materials on the market
You may not realize it, but the biggest time saver in this 5-step workflow is predefined print settings. Buy it at 3D Eksperten
On some machines, successful 3D printing is dependent on trial and error printing - change a wall thickness here, adjust the infill density where you hope for the best. With the Ultimaker S3, they have taken this into account. Instead of having to try your hand at it, you have more flexibility to choose from the widest selection of 3D print materials on the market. Ultimaker Cura then automatically loads tested and optimized print settings to achieve the best results. Compatible with the full Ultimaker materials portfolio and with all materials on the Ultimaker Marketplace, the Ultimaker S3 takes the hassle out of turning your ideas into physical parts with the aesthetic and mechanical properties you need. This is good news for busy designers and engineers who can spend more time focusing on more important tasks and projects.
Award-winning control at your fingertips
To make this workflow even easier, the Ultimaker S3 also has the same 4.7-inch (11.9 cm) touchscreen as the Ultimaker S5. This intuitive user interface won an iF Design Award in 2019 for its usability. Showing a step by step setup, perfect navigation and maintenance, reduces the learning curve and makes it all faster. In fact, customers have told us that they feel confident to start printing their own designs after just a 30 minute introduction. So there is no need to spend money on a dedicated operator.
CONCLUSION: Professional performance for any budget
We've done the math and with the low annual cost, the Ultimaker S3 offers affordable access to professional 3D printing, making ROI easy and fast to achieve. This means that entrepreneurs and SMEs can now get more for their money than ever before. Those who want to drive innovation using additive manufacturing now have a lower barrier to entry - without compromising. Buy it at 3D Eksperten
Ultimaker S3 Specifications:
Brand: Ultimaker
Build volume: 230 x 190 x 200 mm (9 x 7.4 x 7.9 in)
Layer Resolution: 0.25mm nozzle: 150 - 60 micron
0.4 mm nozzle: 200 - 20 micron
0.6 mm nozzle: 300 - 20 micron
0.8 mm nozzle: 600 - 20 micron
XYZ resolution: 6.9, 6.9, 2.5 microns
Build speed: < 24 mm3/s
Build plate: Heated glass build plate (20 - 140 °C)
Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm (included)
0.25mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm(sold separately)
Operating sound: < 50 dBA
Connectivity: Wi-Fi, LAN, USB portPhysical dimensions
Dimensions: 394 x 489 x 637 mm (15.5 x 19.3 x 25.1 in) (inc. Bowden tubes and spool holder)
Net weight: 14.4 kg (31.7 lbs)
Supplied software: Ultimaker Cura, our free print preparation software.
Ultimaker Connect, our free printer management software
Ultimaker Cloud, enables remote printing
Supported OS: MacOS, Windows, and Linux
Tekniske specifikationer
Anvendelig filamentdiameter
2.85 mm
Maksimal dysetemperatur
280 ºC
Åbent filamentsystem
Bowden Setup
Størrelse byggeområde
Maksimal temperatur for byggeplade
140 ºC
Overflade på medfølgende byggeplade
Glass Build Plate
Display type
4.7" Touch Screen
Automatisk nivillering af byggeplade?
Åbent eller lukket kabinet
Antal Ekstrudere
20.0 kg
Installationsplads og krav
Mål på maskinen
394x489x637 mm
Samlede Dimensioner
394x489x637 mm
Samlet Vægt
14.4 kg
Maksimalt Strømforbrug
350 W
Omgivende Driftstemperatur
15-32 ºC
WLAN (Trådløst Netværk)
0.02-0.2 mm
På linket nedenfor, finder du en mappe med alt dokumentation for 3D printere, filamenter mv. Den vil løbende blive opdateret
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UltiMaker S3 - 230x190x200mm
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