Service agreement

It is not entirely without reason that we are the most recommended company on Trustpilot within the sale and service of 3d printers - below you can see what you get with a security agreement with 3D Eksperten
  • A security agreement / service agreement with 3D Eksperten contains the following:
  • Telephone support - As a customer, you will always have the highest priority in connection with service of your device. This means that we will contact you by telephone and advise and guide you by an employee from our support department.
  • Free repair and free replacement of wear parts - See dodges below.
  • Fast delivery of spare parts from recognized manufacturers.
  • For longer repairs, a loaner printer will be offered during the workshop period. This typically applies to services over 14 working days, unless otherwise agreed.
  • Free shipping for service and repairs with GLS

Service agreement on your 3d printer

A typical scenario:
You have a 3d printer that will not extrude plastic filament - after several unsuccessful attempts, call our customer service on phone +45 29 87 09 66, after which a brief explanation of the problem is given.
Subsequently, you will typically receive an e-mail with video material to remedy your problem.
The problem is not solved
You can't / don't have the time or are otherwise not interested in dealing with the problem yourself.
The 3D Expert's customer service will typically send you a return label from GLS that is printed and pasted on your 3d printer to the 3d expert.


*The service agreement does not cover self-inflicted damage due to incorrect use or mistreatment, wear and tear in relation to paint damage / discoloration or paint scratches, consumables, etc.

The security agreement is valid from the conclusion of the agreement / creation.