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DRV8825 motor driver
Gratis fragt over 399 kr
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The DRV8825 provides an integrated motor driver 1β’ PWM Microstepping Stepper Motor Driver solution for printers, scanners, and other automated β Built-In Microstepping Indexer equipment applications. The device has two H-bridge β Up to 1/32 Microstepping drivers and a microstepping indexer, and is intended to drive a bipolar stepper motor. The output driver β’ Multiple Decay Modes block consists of N-channel power MOSFET's β Mixed Decay configured as full H-bridges to drive the motor β Slow Decay windings. The DRV8825 is capable of driving up to β Fast Decay 2.5 A of current from each output (with proper heat sinking, at 24 V and 25Β°C). β’ 8.2-V to 45-V Operating Supply Voltage Range β’ 2.5-A Maximum Drive Current at 24 V and A simple STEP/DIR interface allows easy interfacing T to controller circuits. Mode pins allow for configuration A = 25Β°C of the motor in full-step up to 1/32-step modes. Decay β’ Simple STEP/DIR Interface mode is configurable so that slow decay, fast decay, β’ Low Current Sleep Mode or mixed decay can be used. A low-power sleep β’ Built-In 3.3-V Reference Output mode is provided which shuts down internal circuitry to achieve very low quiescent current draw. This β’ Small Package and Footprint sleep mode can be set using a dedicated nSLEEP β’ Protection Features pin. β Overcurrent Protection (OCP) Internal shutdown functions are provided for β Thermal Shutdown (TSD) overcurrent, short circuit, under voltage lockout and β VM Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) over temperature. Fault conditions are indicated via the nFAULT pin. β Fault Condition Indication Pin (nFAULT)
Tekniske specifikationer
0.1 kg
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DRV8825 motor driver
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